Swift Theme

This theme is designed for blogging purposes. That said, it's extendable for other use cases.


  • Blog
  • Pagination
  • Responsive
  • Staticman


Run the following inside your Hugo site folder:

$ mkdir themes
$ cd themes
$ git clone https://github.com/onweru/hugo-swift-theme

Theme hugo sass and hugo-extended version.


You can configure the site using as follows:

  1. General Information

Use config.toml file

  1. menu, staticman, footer

See the data files inside the data directory

Follow the exampleSite

This theme is designed to work with data files. Feel free to extend/alter as you would like.

Staticman Comments

By default, staticman comments are disabled. If you would like to enable them,

  1. Toggle the staticman param inside the config.toml to true like so
  staticman = true

Then proceed to setup staticman in staticman.yml. See the example site and the staticman docs for reference.

This Binary Mist article could also be quite helpful :)

For any one intending to use staticman with hugo please have a look at this issue/thread

Since staticman is an involving project, things might work differently than they do at the moment of this writing.
