Newsroom Theme

This a simple, minimalistic theme, which is inspired by Apple's Newsroom page. You won't find a single reference of monolithic libraries such as jquery, bootstrap, bulma.

All the templates herein use grid css, flexbox & vanilla js. You may,however, proceed and tweak everything as you wish.


  • Blog
  • Modern
  • Responsive
  • Deeplinks
  • Dark Mode

For all content published using markdown, deeplinks will be added to the pages so that you can share with precision :smiley: Just hover on a heading and the link button will pop. Click it to copy.

Dark Mode

Today most operating systems & browsers support dark mode. Like twitter, which automatically turns into dark mode when the user chooses darkmode, this theme does the same thing.

Dark Mode


Add this theme as a Git submodule inside your Hugo site folder:

git submodule add themes/newsroom

Theme hugo sass and hugo-extended version.


You can configure the site using as follows:

  1. General Information

    Use the file config.toml.

  2. menu, footer

    See the data files inside the data/ directory.

Start publishing

Follow the exampleSite/; specifically, the content directory
