Hugo frais

A fresh and french single column theme for Hugo.

How to install

Inside the folder of your Hugo site run:

$ cd themes
$ git clone

Then update your config.toml file:

theme = "hugo-frais"

For more information read the official setup guide of Hugo.


You can define some social network like:

  • [params] author str : the author's website name;
  • [params] pseudo str : the author's online pseudonym;
  • [params] twitter str : Twitter account;
  • [params] github str : GitHub account;
  • [params] linkedin str : LinkedIn account;

This will activate menu items and meta Twitter Card.

./config.toml example:

    author = "Olivier Fredon"
    pseudo = "the2ne"
    twitter = "the2ne"
    github = "the2ne"
    linkedin = "the2ne"

You can also configure the headline of the index page:

	  indexHeadline = "This just in:"

which will substitute the "Yay!" in the default page.
