iTheme theme for Hugo

iTheme theme for Hugo

An Apple style theme for Hugo, inspired by astro-air-blog



  • Light and Dark mode for post
  • Three different sizes for images in the post


Please flow the official quickstart, it's really easy and simple.

git submodule add themes/hugo-theme-itheme
echo "theme = 'hugo-theme-itheme'" >> config.toml

Then you need to add some configuration to config.toml, please flow the Site Configuration.


Site Configuration

  defaultCover = '' // default cover image for post not setting cover
  email = '' // the email address display in the footer
  [[params.socialMedia]] // custom social links display in the footer, you can add one or more
    name = 'Github'
    url = ''
    name = 'Twitter'
    url = ''
  [[params.blogroll]] // blogroll links display in the footer, you can add one or more
    name = 'Apple'
    url = ''
    name = 'Google'
    url = ''

Post Configuration

title: 'Some Article'
date: '2022-10-27T13:06:38+08:00'
draft: true
description: 'some description of the article'
author: 'author of this article'
cover: '' // if not set cover, it will use the 'defaultCover' in site configuration
tags: ["tag1", "tag2", "tag3"]
theme: "dark" // you can set 'light' or 'dark' here

Three display modes of images

The three display modes of images are: wide, big, inline.
When you edit your markdown file, you can add wide or big or inline to the image alt, like this:

![alt content|wide](a.png)

The Separator is |, and the default mode is big.