Educenter Hugo Theme


Educenter is an educational website template. It can be used as an online teaching platform, school and university websites


At the top we have shown an easy hugo installation. but still if you think you want to go with the traditional way then use the following commands:

Note : You must use hugo-extended version to compile SCSS

$ git clone
$ cd educenter-hugo/exampleSite/
$ hugo server --themesDir ../..

Full Documentation.

Main features

  • SEO Friendly All codes are seo friendly. There is fields to put meta data and other seo parameters in every pages.
  • Multi Language We have multi language support in premium version . Right now there is two language include in the theme , those are French and English. If you need more we can help you out.
  • Google Analytics You can add you google analytics code in theme config file to connect with your google anlytics account .
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