A Hugo theme made with PaperCSS


A Hugo theme made with PaperCSS, the less formal CSS framework.

Minimum Hugo version

Hugo version 0.54.0 or higher is required. View the Hugo releases and download the binary for your OS.


From the root of your site:

git submodule add https://github.com/zwbetz-gh/papercss-hugo-theme.git themes/papercss-hugo-theme


From the root of your site:

git submodule update --remote --merge

Run example site

From the root of themes/papercss-hugo-theme/exampleSite:

hugo server --themesDir ../..


Copy the config.toml or config.yaml from the exampleSite, then edit as desired.


Upload your image to RealFaviconGenerator then copy-paste the generated favicon files under static.


See the full list of supported shortcodes.

Disable toc for a blog post

Blog posts that have two or more subheadings (<h2>s) automatically get a table of contents. To disable this set toc to false. For example:

title: "My page with a few headings"
toc: false

Disable summary for a blog post

The homepage blog post listing shows a summary for each post. To disable this for an individual post set summary to false. For example:

title: "My page with some stellar content"
summary: false
